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1. : Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

2. Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

In December 2019, my family and my family friends went on a trip to Khao Yai. We went to a place called Thongsomboon club where there were various activities for us to enjoy. We went for BB gun which is similar to paintball but without the paint. This was my first time playing BB gun and I was a bit nervous at first because I heard that it can be painful. However, it turned out to  be really fun but also challenging as we had to work with our teams to shoot the BB gun to the people on the other team as there were two teams. This activity made me develop n.w skills and learn how to work collaboratively as it was completely teamwork and we could not do it without our teams. I really enjoyed this activity and I would definetly want to play BB gun again.

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